Sarah Hobbs, Germaphobe Masks
Sarah Hobbs, Caution Tape
Sarah Hobbs, Sensitivity
Sarah Oppenheimer, Baltimore Museum of Art
Kate Moore performing
Theaster Gates
Agnes Meyer-Brandis with her moon geese
Kate Moore at MacDowell Colony, 2012
Kate Moore in her studio, The Hague, Netherlands
Tolly Moseley
Tolly Moseley
Tolly Moseley at her home office
Tara Gentile
Tara Gentile
Tara Gentile
Kate Hers introducing her “kimtschi,” Das Gift, Berlin
Dr. Rhee’s Kimtschi label
Rhee Food Lab Team
Joyce Scott
Joyce Scott
artist’s room, Huguenot House 2012
wall projection, Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
artists, Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
Huguenot House 2012
Joyce Scott, Ancestry Doll
Valerie Cassel Oliver
Berlinische Galerie
Olafur Eliasson, Volcano Series
Karoake at Mauer Park
Turkish Market, Kreuzberg
skyview of Berlin
Tacheles collage
FAI Workshop for USArtBerlin
KW Institute
Hamburger Bahnhof
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Control Room Tempelhof, Berlin
Cloud Core Scanner
Rashid Novaire reading
Rashid Novaire, Descent
Cathy with Kate Moore, composer
Ceremonial Tent
Cathy with Kyla Chevrier, visual artist
Nan Goldin, MacDowell Medal 2012
Sebastian Currier, composer
Bettina Johae, architect
Michael Chabon, Chairman of the Board
Cathy following the path to meet Fellows
Tamara Rafkin, Sleeping Houses 12, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Watchful Houses 2, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Sleeping Houses 7, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Watchful Houses 9, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Sleeping Houses 8, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Watchful Houses 14, 2012
Tamar Rafkin, Sleeping Houses 14, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Watchful Houses 4, 2012
Tamara Rafkin, Sleeping Houses 18, 2012
Trenton Doyle Hancock, Devotion, 2013
Shaun El C. Leonardo, The Arena, 2012
Barnett Newman, Broken Obelisk
David Hammons installation
Rowhouse dominoes
Autumn Knight, Futz
Trenton Doyle Hancock studio
Rammelizee installation
William Pope L.
Project RowHouses
Red Swing in Montrose
Yinka Shinobare, The Swing
Dan Flavin installation
Jason Griffiths, Not What We Bought
Mel Chin, The Manila Palm
Shaun “El Conquistador” Leonardo
Documenatary filmmakers Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin
Pussy Riot members in their studio, 2012
Stateside Theater marquee, Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
Night View
Column Way
Gallery Interior
Golden Enfilade
Main Gates
New Hermitage
Old Masters
Museum Side Entrance
Winter Palace
Roman Mars
Roman Mars in studio
99% Invisible logo
Escalator featured in 99% Invisible, Episode 43
Vik Muniz, Tupperware Sarcophagus
Said Baalbaki, Burak I
Ghada Amer, Le Salon Courbe
ART Cologne crowd
Photographic works by Zofia Kulik
NADA Cologne
Installation by Linda Backstrom
Bernardi Roig, Last Dream
Jack Pierson, Yes
Cculpture by Katarina Grosse
Philip Mueller, Installation detail
Installation by Philip Mueller
Smiling Cat
CatVidFest 2012
Henri 2, Paw de Deux
CatVidFest 2012 Call for Submissions
Kittens, Inspired By Kittens
Ping and Sing with Wing
Open Field Plaza
Minneapolis collective ROLU
Weekly Drawing Club
Amanda Lovelee’s Call and Answer Project
Futurefarmers Live Auction
Jim Hodges’ shining boulders
Art on the Green, Laguna Gloria
Concerto, Laguna Gloria
Concerto, Laguna Gloria
Jones Center exterior
Laguna Gloria exterior
Silent Disco, Laguna Gloria
Kevin Colarusso, Sun boxes, Laguna Gloria
Concerto Laguna, Laguna Gloria
Concerto Laguna, Laguna Gloria
Second Saturdays are for Families, AMOA-Arthouse
Silent Disco, Laguna Gloria, Fusebox Festival 2013
Insanely Good Lunch, Arthouse rooftop
Tour at Arthouse
Rooftop Architecture Film Series, Arthouse
Art on the Green, Laguna Gloria
Rijin Sahakian
SADA Summer Intensive 2012
Sinan Antoon, NYU professor, on Skype
School of Fine Arts, Baghdad
Katy, artist
Skeleton car, Black Rock City
Steve Brown
Burning Man
In front of Beirut Art Center
Tour with artist Tony Chakar
Construction in Beirut
From a window in Khandaq Al-Ghamiq
Mansion Artist Studios & Public Space
Home Works 6 Opening Night
Approaching Beirut
Gathering in Bourj Hammoud
Stairs connecting Beirut neighborhoods
Rijin Sahakian
Hotels along Collins Avenue
Mantell Plaza
Boarded up structure along Collins Avenue
Shelborne hotel (along Collins Avenue)
the Delano hotel (along Collins Avenue)
Graffiti in Wynnwood (changes are brewing)
The Wolfsonian
Construction in Miami
Boarded up building near Mantell Plaza
Shore Club hotel (along Collins Avenue)
Wynnwood walls
The Catalina (along Collins Avenue)
Sobe private residence
White Columns: Cat habitat, Cat Show
Metropolitan Museum: Balthus, Thérèse Dreaming, 1938
Brooklyn Museum: Figure of a Cat, Egypt
White Columns: Cat habitat, Cat Show
Shadow Healer #1 front cover
Shadow Healer #1, back cover
Morgan Coy and Karen Davidson
Shadow Healer #1, panel
Childhood’s End
City Nights
Happy Birthday
The Gate
A Bell for Every Minute, Stephen Vitiello, High Line
Triplight, Camille Norment, Soundings, MoMA
Peter Bradley, Meaford Museum
Sound Architecture, Zimoun and Scheidler
Forty-Part Motet, Janet Cardiff, Soundings, MoMA
Norman Rockwell, Willie Gillis: Package from Home ($4.85M), Amazon Art
The Mµseum, or “Micro Museum” in Sumerville, Mass.
The Mµseum, or “Micro Museum” in Sumerville, Mass.
World’s smallest museum in elevator shaft, NYC
World’s smallest museum in elevator shaft, NYC
Sarah Hobbs, Overpacked, W Hotel, Atlanta, Dec 2012
Emmelie Koster, Owner, No Man’s Art
No Man’s Art, YAB
Ges Briggs, Musical Beauty ($55), Amazon Art
James Franco and Kalup Linzy at the Rob Pruitt Art Awards
Marina Abramovic and Lady Gaga at Watermill Center Summer Benefit
James Franco
Jay-Z’s Picasso Baby with Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic (Bullet Magazine)
Jay-Z with painting of Basquiat by Swizz Beatz
Marina Abramovic covers James Franco in gold leaf and honey as part of a conceptual art project.
Lady Gaga and the Abramovic Method
James Franco and Marina Abramovic on the cover of Italian Vogue
Commissioned by Creative Time for The High Line, New York City, 2010
Photo: Taylor Deupree
View from window of World Trade Center during residency. Photo: Johnna MacArthur
Photo: Katy McDaniel
Commissioned by Kaldor Public Art Projects, Sydney, Australia. Photo by Sophie Forbat
Protesting Russia’s anti gay legislation.
Russian-Jewish curator Marat Guelman, director of the Perm Museum of Contemporary Art
Gay rights activists outside Russian consulate in NYC
painting of Putin in lingerie by a Russian artist
Kasper Konig
Vasily Slonov, Olympic mascot
Kofke in the Arctic
Kofke in the Gobi Desert
Kofke painting graffiti in Russia
Kofke in Tibet
‘Everything Will Be Ok,’ Czech Republic
‘Everything Will Be Ok’ in Ecoli
Idea Capital, ‘Everything Will Be Ok’
The artist during a 3-month residency with ARCUS in Japan
‘Everything Will Be OK,’ Japan
Completed mural of an Iranian jetliner that was accidentally shot down by a US war ship in 1988
‘Everything Will Be OK’ for Russian street art conference
Installation shots of ‘Everything Will Be OK’ project where it began in Savannah, GA in 2006-2007
Artist installing ‘Everything Will Be OK’ on train in Savannah
‘Everything Will Be OK,’ Tibet
Garments from Idea Capital project
‘Everything Will Be OK’ in the Arctic
Censored self from Weapons of Mouse Destruction
Fairey illustration for WMD
Internet censorship map
Iran: error message when visiting blocked site
Internet censorship map
Censored selfie
Internet access in Iran
Jan Kopp: Un Grand Ensemble
Alex Schweder: Rehearsal Space
Nomadic Yurts, Station to Station Pittsburgh
Station to Station train
Station to Station promotional image
Ernesto Neto: Nomadic Art Tent
Urs Fischer: nomadic art tent
Jean-Ulrick Désert, Negerhosen 2000
Trenton Doyle Hancock at CAMH, 2013
Jean-Ulrick Désert, Negerhosen 2000
Trenton Doyle Hancock, aka Torpedo Boy, 2002
Jean-Ulrick Désert, Negerhosen 2000
Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art
Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art
Radical Presense: Black Performance in Contemporary Art
Radical Presence, NYU Grey Gallery, 2013
Radical Presence, Black Performance in Contemporary Art
Haas & Hahn, painting an entire favela project
Tefcon, Slumlord Project, Baltimore ©
Slinkachu, ‘Why is it so hard to find a job?”
Slinkachu, ‘Why is it so hard to find a job?”
Banksy, This site contains blocked messages
Slinkachu, ‘Why is it so hard to find a job?”
FIAC: Gallery: Ramiken Crucible (New York)
FIAC: Exhibition space in Grand Palais
FIAC: Exhibition space in Grand Palais
FIAC: Exhibition space in Grand Palais
FIAC: Gallery: Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris). Georg Baselitz
FIAC: Goodman Gallery (Johannesburg/Capetown). Hank Willis Thomas
Slick: Exhibition Space
Slick: Exhibition Space
Slick: Gallery: Patrick Heidi Contemporary (London)
CutLog: Exhibition Space
CutLog: Galerie Les Singuliers (Paris). Sebastien Pasques, “Gorillas”
CutLog: Gallery: Art Connections (Tel Aviv)
CutLog: Exhibition Space
CutLog: Bruno Massa Galerie (Paris)
CutLog: Bruno Massa Galerie (Paris)
Art Basel Miami Beach 2013
Foro, Rome
view from Lummus Park, Miami Beach
Antonia Wright, Suddenly We Jumped, Dec 7 2013
Juraj Kojs, David Almeida, Kim Yantis, Hsia-HUa Liang, and Angie Lu, Replacement, Dec 7 2013
Susan Lee-Chun, Untitled (Ruins), Dec 7 2013
David Roh, Collabroative: Homo-Spiens with Danilo De La Torre, In the Garden, Dec 7 2013
Photo courtesy Zoe Charlton
Vizcaya at night
Invitation to A Futurist Evening, Vizcaya, Dec 7 2013
Vizcaya at night
Los Jaihackers, Perez Art Museum, Miami, Dec 2103
Site Lab, Untitled Art Fair, Miami Beach 2013
Albert et son orchestre at The Wolfsonian, ABMB 2013
Street Art, Collins Ave, Miami Beach, ABMB 2013
NADA Art Fair, Miami Beach 2013
Voluspa Jarpa, What You See Is What It Is, Art Basel MB 2013
Kesha Bruce and Cathy Byrd, Design Miami 2013
ABMB 2013 Public, Installations in Collins Park
Olaf Breuning, Smoke Grid Art Basel MB 2013
The Art of Illumination at The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach 2013
SXSW 2014
South By South West, Austin, Texas, 2014
Fahamu Pecou, Hip-Hop Artist
Sarah Lewis, The Rise, 2014
South By South West 2014, Austin
Art Papers, Jan 2014
Mark Bradford, Prospect.1, New Orleans
NEGUS is as NEGUS does. Acrylic on canvas. 60×52 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Return to My Native… Acrylic and oil stick on canvas. 60×52 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Corps perdu, l’âme se retrouve. Acrylic on canvas. 70×58 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Real NEGUS Don’t Die: Fire Inside. Graphite and acrylic on paper. 39×26 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Real NEGUS Don’t Die: Young, Gifted, & Black. Graphite and acrylic on paper. 39×26 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
NEGUS in Paris, For Real (feat. Gwyneth Paltrow). Graphite, gold leaf and oil stick on paper. 25×18 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Real NEGUS Don’t Die: BADASSSSS. Graphite and acrylic on paper. 39×26 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
A.W.N. (Artists With Negritude). Acrylic on canvas. 70x48in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
“All Dat Glitters Aint Goals” video still. Digital video. 05:42. Dimensions vary. 2013. Fahamu Pecou
All Dat Glitters Aint Goals. Acrylic, gold leaf and oil stick on canvas. 74×60 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
EYE CONS. Acrylic on canvas. 80×59 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
IRONY. Acrylic and oil stick on canvas. 70×58 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Off Da Chain. Acrylic, gold leaf and oil stick on canvas. 20×16 in. 2012. Fahamu Pecou
Rashaad Newsome, King of Arms Procession, 2013
Jay-Z and Marina Abramović, Picasso Baby performance, 2013
Berta Sichel and Mariano Salvador
Opening Night, Biennial de Cartagena
An installation view from Casa 1537
Terry Berkowitz, Veil of Memory/Prologue: The Last Supper, 2014
Terry Berkowitz, Veil of Memory/Prologue: The Last Supper
Nuria Carrasco, Kalas, 2014
Miguel Angel Rojas, Grano Cartagena, 2014
Casa Museo Arte Y Cultura La Presentación
Satch Hoyt, Say It Loud, 2004/2014
Fede Guzman, Tomaco
Perry Bard, Hotel, 2014
Janet Biggs, A Step On The Sun
Katie Holten, 137.5 degrees, 2008
Pawel Wojtasik, High Water, 2013
Pawel Wojtasik, High Water, 2013
Street Art in Getsemane
Street Art in Getsemane
Yinka Shinobare, Big Boy, 2002
Yinka Shinobare, Big Boy, 2002, detail
Yinka Shinobare, The Age of Enlightenment, 2008
Yinka Shinobare, Sarah Hewitt 2005
Yinka Shinobare exhibition opening, The Barnes Collection, 2014
Yinka Shinobare, Victorian Philanthropist’s Parlor, 1996-97
Yinka Shinobare, 100 Years, 2000
Yinka Shinobare at the Magic Lanterns opening, The Barnes Collection, 2014
YInka Shinobare, Magic Lantern I, 2013
Yinka Shinobare, Scramble for Africa, 2003
Yinka Shinobare, Scramble for Africa, 2003
Terry Adkins, Aviarium, 2014
Lisa Anne Auerbach, We Are All Pussy Riot, 2013
Zoe Leonard, 945 Madison Avenue, 2014
Sheila Hicks, Pillar of Inquiry detail, 2013-14
Gretchen Bender, People in Pain, 1988 (remade, 2014)
My Barbarian (Malik Gaines, Jade Gordon, and Alexandro Segade)
Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst, Relationship, 2008
Daniele Buetti’s manipulated photography
Nao Matsumoto installation, VOLTA NY, 2014
Elisabeth Sonneck, rolled oil on paper installation, VOLTA NY, 2014
John Cox, “everyday assemblage” works, VOLTA NY, 2014
Willie Cole, iron transfer prints, VOLTA NY, 2014
Ultra Violet, Selfie, 2014
Mohau Modisakeng, Inzilo [Film Still], 2013
Wilmer Wilson IV, From My Paper Bag Colored Heart, 2014
Jeffrey Gibson’s adorned boxing bags
Charles LeDray, Rainbow, 2012-14, ADAA2014
James Turrell, Untitled, ADAA2014
Laurie Simmons, The Walking Objects, ADAA2014
Petah Coyne, The Unconsoled, detail, 2014, ADAA2014
Petah Coyne, The Unconsoled, detail, ADAA2014
Ann Hamilton, ONEEVERYONE, photoprints, ADAA2014
Cathy Byrd with Ann Hamilton, OneEveryOne, ADAA2014
A participant in Ann Hamilton, ONEEVERYONE, ADAA2014
The Art Show, ADAA, Park Avenue Armory, 2014
Ann Hamilton, ONEEVERYONE scrim, ADAA2014
Cathy Byrd behind the membrane, with Ann Hamilton, ADAA2014
McArthur Binion, Kavi Gupta Gallery
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance view, 2014
Cathy Byrd with Kevin Jz Prodigy at FIVE performance, 2014
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance exit, 2014
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance view, 2014
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance view, March 2014
Crowd gathering for Rashaad Newsome, FIVE, 2014
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance view, 2014
Rashaad Newsome, FIVE performance view, 2014
Rashaad Newsome conducting FIVE, Drawing Center, 2014
new home for Whitney Museum, New York
Gyan Panchal, La rencontre, 2014, fiberglass, sunflower petals Galerie Marcellealix, Paris
Adriana Barreto, O que pode un corpo, daily performance at ARCOmadrid 2015
Adriana Barreto, O que pode un corpo, daily performance at ARCOmadrid 2015
Gyan Panchal, La rencontre, 2014
Waterside Project Booth, ARCOmadrid 2015
Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson, Your Country Doesn’t Exist, 2013
#SoloProjects space, ARCOmadrid 2015
ARCOmadrid 2015
Jannis Kounellis at Galerie Lelong
Wilfredo Prieto, Vaso medio lleno, 2006
Yann Gertsberger at Michael Jon
Situation: Art School, Pratt Institute
Tameka Norris, Meka Jean Environments, May Gallery, 2014
Official movie poster: Meka Jean
Tameka Norris with Cathy Byrd, October 2014
Screening room, May Gallery, 2014
Candelario, Equipajes Personales, Dimensions Variable, Miami, 2104
Simón Vega, Tropical Mercury Capsule, Perez Art Museum, 2014
Candelario, Equipajes Personales rendering, 2014
Gil Yefman, Ilse Koch and the St. Louis, 2014
Fountainhead Residency, Miami 2014
Fountainhead Residency, Miami
Gil Yefman in his studio at Fountainhead
Cheryl Pope Performing Up Against during AUTO BODY project, Miami Beach, 2014
Agustina Woodgate with Cathy Byrd
Micol Hebron on Radio EE
Signs inside abandoned Giant Motors building, Miami Beach
Sarah Lucas, 5 Yellow, Great Britain Pavilion
Marlene Dumas, Skulls
Camille Norment, Norway Pavilion detail
Performance, Angola Pavilion
Terry Adkins, Matinee, Arsenale
Walead Beshty, La Masa Militarizada, Giardini
Wangechi Mutu, All the World’s Futures, Giardini
Barthelemy Toguo, Urban Requiem 2, Arsenale
Barthelemy Tuogo, Urban Requiem 2, detail
Christian Boltanski
Antonio Manuel, Brazil Pavilion
Charles Gaines, Sound texts performance, Giardini
Installation by Gary Simmons, All The World’s Futures, Arsenale
Gulf Labor Coalition, Protest, Arsenale
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot , Rêvolutions, France pavilion
Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty, Transactional Objects, Object 7, Shop Under Staircase, Arsenale
Joana Malinowska & CT Jasper, Poland Pavilion, panoramic film projection
Jacco Olivier, animated painting, Azerbaijan Pavilion
Living facade…algae. Laboratory element of Vita Vitale
Azerbaijan pavilion
Okwui Enwezor, Director of the 56th Venice Art Biennale
Charles Gaines
Coconut shell rosary, Casa Blanca
Cesar Conejo, Casa Blanca boats
Candelario installation
Alexandre Arrechea, El Mapa Del Silencio, wall painting detail, 2015
Antonio Nuñez, La Silla, 1997-98
Momar Seck, Casa de Africa
Antonio Guzmán’s book
Cristo de la Habana, Casa Blanca
DJ with artist Felipe Dulhaizes, El Fosca
Fidel, por Siempre Fidel!, Havana windowfront
Grethell Rasua performance
Gustavo Pérez Monzón, Tramas
Havana street corner
Joseph Kosuth, installation detail, Biblioteca Nacional, Havana
La Floridita, Havana
Manuel Lopez Oliva installation, La Cabaña
Mary Mattingly, Pull, 2015, detail
Old Havana street corner
Nikolaus Gansterer, The Eden Experiment
Dolores Cáceres, No Vendo Nada, Old Havana
painting studio floor, Art School
Pathway to Cristo through Moringa trees, Casa Blanca
Quisqueya Henriques, Public Space series, 2000-2007, Graffiti
Reading Hannah Arendt in Tania Bruguera project space, Old Havana
Sandra Calvo cardboard architecture, Old Havana
Resident showing the way to Casa Blanca project sites
Stephanie Syjuco negotiating trade
Taxi to La Cabaña, Havana biennial site
Trans Cuba Hershey car, Casa Blanca
View of La Cabaña from Morro, Havana
Wilfredo Prieto, Matrioska, 2001
Resident explaining Casa Blanca projects
fresh juice…every morning
Luis Gomez, La Cabaña
Grethell Rasua, performancew video still
Howard Farber congratulates Arrechea
printmaking studio, University of the Arts
Joseph Kosuth installation, Biblioteca Nacional
Julio Ferrer, Breakfast, 2011
View of Cabaña from Morro
Lidzie Alvisa, Revolucion, front
Lidzie Alvisa, Revolucion
Luis Camnitzer, Ejercicios
Malecon, road with blue banners
Mary Mattingly, Pull, detail
Miami curators preparing to explore the Havana Biennial
Michelangelo Pistoletto installation
Mural, Cuban history
sunset near Plaza des Armas
street corner with bicitaxi
Nikhil Chopra, La Perla Negra performance
Nikolaus Gansterer, The Eden Experiment
pathway through Moringa trees, Casa Blanca
Michelangelo Pistoletto installation
Russian Orthodox church
Sandra Calvo, video projection
Sandra Ramos, The Nearest Point
view 2 from Tania Bruguera space_21 May 2015
view from 4th floor, Old Havana rooftops
white dog with paintings, University of the Arts
Wifredo Lam print, Kcho Studio collection
Entrance to Zona Franca
Sandra Calvo, cardboard architecture
stadium near Casa de las Américas
street in front of Bruguera project 23 May 2015
Street view from bicitaxi
Susana Pilar Malhentes, homage to Ana Mendieta
Susan Caraballo, Luis Gomez, and Antonio Gomez Margolles
The Worm, University of the Arts
Trans Cuba Hershey car exterior
Felipe Dulzaides, album cover
ferry landing, Havana
Faithful to Our History
DJ with Felipe Dulzaides in FD play FD installation
Along the Malecon, road with blue banners
Bodeguita del Medio
Bridge passageway, Morro
Carlos Garaicoa, scaffolding outside Spanish embassy
Cathy Byrd with Glenda Leon
Coconut Shell Rosary, Casa Blanca
Cristo de la Habana, Casa Blanca
Mid-century American car, Havana
Gustavo Pérez Monzón, Tramas
Mid-century American and Russian cars, Havana
Cuban Art Award 2015: Alexandre Arrechea
Candelario performance
Willie Cole, How Do You Spell America?
Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales
Antonio Guzman’s book
neighborhood church, Old Havana
Fidel, for Ever, Fidel!
Wild Noise, Bronx Museum at the Museum of Fine Arts, Havana
view from penthouse of FOCSA building
David Beltran, billboard
Septeto Habanero perform
digging up Tejadillo Street, 22 May 2015
Tania Bruguera reading Hannah Arendt
another view from doorway, Bruguera home
view from doorway of Bruguera home
Ana Mendez, Liminal Being, Dec 2014
Ana Mendez, Liminal Being, Dec 2014
Ana Mendez, Liminal Being, Dec 2014
Kader Attia, Culture, another Nature repaired, 2014.
Marinella Senatore, The School of Narrative Dance Little Chaos 1, 2013
Mohamed Bourouissa, Shoplifters, 2014.
Sammy Baloji, Untitled #25 2006.
Sammy Baloji, Raccord#7, Usine Shituru 2012.
Alice Wong, Untitled (Couple in forest), 2014.
Christopher Miner, The Best Decision Ever Made, 2004.
Curran Hatleberg, Blue Suit, 2012.
Dru Donovan, Untitled, 2009.
J.W. Fisher, Calf In Dirt, 2010.
Joseph Beuys, La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi, 1972
Erika Hoffmann
John Cage, Prepared Piano app, 2012
Marcel Broodthaers, Rain, 1969
Katharina Gross, painting installation, Sammlung Hoffmann
Opening of the Pavilion of Macedonia at the 56th Venice Biennale
Galata by night
Bosphorus View
Galata Tower by night
music shop
Istanbul Agop cymbal factory
Ezra Ersen, Istanbul Biennial
just before opening ceremonies of 14th Istanbul Biennial
Oliver Beer with opera singers in Istanbul, 2015
Pera Museum
Theaster Gates, Three or Four Shades of Blue
Theaster Gates, Three or Four Shades of Blue, upstairs
Bosphorous Bridge by night
Church of St. Joseph
Galata Tower by day
ceiling of Kilic Ali Pasa Hamam
Oliver Beer at rehearsal with opera singers
secret garden party in Asia
stairwell Buyuk Londre Oteli
Vahap Avsar, Lost Shadows, SALT Beyoglu
view from Karakoy
Achot Achot, video still
Andrew Yang, IO-OX
Cildo Meireles
Francis Alys, bird whistles used in children’s performance
Francis Alys, The Silence of Ani
How Solid is Architecture
Richard Wentworth, Suspended Ceiling
Nikita Kadan
nighttime crossing to Kabatas
Saltwater at Istanbul Modern
Silvina Der-Meguerditchian
Anna Boghiguian, The Salt Traders
Elmas Deniz, Lost
Ola Kolehmainen, Istanbul Works, detail
Pravdiolub Ivanov, Trouble is Always Double
Walid Siti, Monument of a Forgotten Story
Xavier Veilhan, Vent Moderne, video still
best coffee in Istanbul
Lora Ogel
art.Sumer installation
Cathy Byrd with Ana, founder ArtIST
Collectors’ Platform, Art International
Accordion player and child, Istiklal
SALT Galata
Walid Raad, Another Letter to the Reader
staircase, 31 rue Paul Chevanard, Lyon
Maxime Lamarche, Course contre l’orage
Monks’ robes at Sainte Marie de la Tourette
chapel skylight at Sainte Marie de la Tourette, designed by Le Corbusier
Anish Kapoor at Sainte Marie de la Tourette
Jeune Creation, Institute of Contemporary Art
Rendez-vous 15, Institute of Contemporary Art, Lyon
Yona Friedman, Iconostase, 2011
Avery Singer painting
Haegue Yang, Sol LeWitt Upside Down, 2015
Director Thierry Raspail and curator Ralph Rugoff in conversation at the 13th Lyon Biennial
Blind singers celebrate the opening
Emmanuelle Lainé, Lyon Biennial
Camille Henrot,
Celia y Yunior, Canuts, 2015
Anthea Hamilton room installation
Liu Wei, Enigma
Mohammad Bourissa installation view
Tatiana Trouvé, (The Unremembered Ones), detail
Cecilia Bengolea & Jeremy Deller, Rhythmasspoetry, video still
Micol Hebron about to perform Roll Call, 2014
Micol Hebron performing Roll Call, Dec 2014
Micol Hebron performing Roll Call, Dec 2014
Carolee Schneeman performing Interior Scroll, 1975
Blind choir, Lyon
Readers at La Sucriere, Lyon
Marinella Senatore
Marinella Senatore
Kéré Architecture, Chicago Cultural Center
Selgascano+Helloeverything Casa A, Chicago Cultural Center
SO-IL Passages, Chicago Cultural Center
Studio Gang, Polis Station, Chicago Cultural Center
Chicago Cultural Center dome
Chicago Cultural Center
BEFORE: home of Alberto Chinique family, Casablanca, Cuba
Alberto Chinique family, Casablanca, Cuba
AFTER: Interior of Alberto Chinique family’s home, Casablanca
Cesar Cornejo, Havana Museum of Contemporary Art
Liu Xiaodong, Getting Out of Beichuan, 2010
Liu Xiaodong, Painting as Shooting installation, 2015
Liu Xiaodong mobile studio
love window
white horse
Moulin Rouge
Tour Eiffel
Place St. Michel
put up a fight
Sacre Coeur
vineyard in Montmartre
bride and groom
Fleuriste, Place Clichy
Prince est Roi
Aux Comptoirs du Chineur
Chez Georges
moules et frites
Puces, Paris
Fernand Leger
Vineyard Montmartre
cafe et goûter
La Bellevilloise
hat, shoes, floor
Acrobats, Mallory Square
Bagpipes at sunset, Mallory Square
Cara Bonewitz with Cathy Byrd
Cathy Byrd with Jed Dodds
Cathy Byrd with Josie Sigler
Fish tacos
Green Parrot library
Key West beach?
Lori Swartz in her studio
Southernmost Point
Sunset seen from Mallory Square
Key West Bird Habitat
Rooster, Key West
Orchids at Key West Garden Club
Rooster, Key West
U.S. Route 1
Anish Kapoor, Spire 4, 2007
Anish Kapoor, Non-Object (Door), 2008
Anish Kapoor, Sky Mirror, Versailles, France, 2015
Anish Kapoor, Dirty Corner vandalized
Anish Kapoor, Dirty Corner,
Brother Marc and Anish Kapoor with international press at La Tourette, France
Anish Kapoor, Spire 4, church of La Tourette, France
Halka performance in Cazale
Felipe Dulzaides album
DJ with artist Felipe Dulzaides
Penthouse view, FOCSA building, Havana
Oliver Beer’s Call to Sound composition
Call to Sound rehearsal
Oliver Beer
Call to Sound rehearsal
Olver Beer with performers at rehearsal
Kiliç Ali Pasa Hamam at midnight, 2015
Kiliç Ali Pasa Hamam interior
Kiliç Ali Pasa Hamam interior
Kiliç Ali Pasa Hamam
Oliver Beer, Call to Sound rehearsal, Istanbul, 2019
Amanda Keeley @ Untitled
Janet Biggs @ Film Sector
Design Curio @ Design Miami
Obsolete Media Miami
Vanity Fair Social Club @ The Wolfsonian
Tony Tasset @ Public Sector
SCOPE Miami Beach
Lex Pott/Calico Wallpaper, Design Miami
Peggy Guggenheim documentary film still
Miami Art Week Survivor, the Standard Hotel
Jeffrey Chernick posing in
Sarah Thaler, OSME Gallery, SCOPE
Olafur Eliasson, Tanya Bonakdar, Art Basel MB
Haas Brothers, Design Miami
Art Basel Public Sector
Bosphorus Summit 6
Contemporary Istanbul Map 2015
Contemporay Istanbul 2015
Dario Agrimi, Savina Gallery
Ichwan Noor, Dirimart
Banksy, Lazarides
Evren Erol, Bozlu Art Project
Ivan Navarro, Borusan Contemporary
Can Dagarslani, Mixer
Chul-Hyun Ahn, Galerie Paris-Beijing
Art Week Survivor 2
Art Week Survivor 1
Devotion performance, Rubell Family Collection
Exile Books, Orange Oratory
Fontainebleau meets NADA
Haas brothers, Artist Pictionary
JPW3, Martos Gallery, NADA
Lolabelle plays the piano at home
NADA last hour
#VFSC photo booth
Wendy White, Rawson Projects, NADA
Pope.L performance view, Collins Park
Laurie Anderson, Heart of a Dog
Lolabelle plays a concert
r.a.d. @ Cannonball, Miami
Stephanie Syjuco, Hecho en Cuba
Rachel Armstrong, Newcastle, England
Amanda Sanfilippo, Miami
Andrew Yang, Chicago
Nadya Tolokonnikova and Masha Alyokhina
Amanda Sanfilippo, Miami
Akosua Adama Awosu, NY/Ghana
Hattie Mae Williams, NY/Miami
Jean-Luc Verna, Paris
Mikhaile Solomon, Miami
Andrew Yang, Chicago
Akosua Adoma Owusu, NYC/Ghana
Joseph Kosuth, Five Words in Green Neon, 1965
Franz Ackermann, The Great Journey, U-Bahn, Munich, Germany
Sarah Morris, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Joseph Kosuth, At Last I Believed I Understood (Madrid)
Joep Van Lieshout, Humanoids
Ellen Harvey, Arcade:Arcadia, 2012
Akosua Adoma Owusu
Akosua Adoma Owusu, Kwaku Ananse
Akosua Adoma Owusu, Kwaku Ananse, 2013
Akosua Adoma Owusu, Kwaku Ananse, 2013
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #4
Miami Marine Stadium Park Basin, 2016
Christian Salazar filming Culture Concrete
Miami Marine Stadium
Hattie Mae Williams, Culture Concrete
William Lamson, A Line Describing the Sun, 2010
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Moon Goose Colony, video still, 2015 (c)
Annabel Elgar, Moon dust stockpile, New Forest, England, 2014
The X-Hunters, F6F-5K crash site debris, 1997
Charles Lindsay, Portable Device for Unforeseen Circumstances, 2015
Drew Ludwig, Personal Item, 2015
Center for Land Use Interpretation, poster for event excursions, 1994-2015
Heidi Neilson, ISS Road Trip, book, 2012
Ivan Puig and Andrés Padilla Domene, SEFT-1, 2006-2011
Ivan Puig and Andrés Padilla Domene, SEFT-1, 2006-2011
Setting Out, installation view, 2016
Setting Out, installation view, 2016
Setting Out, Installation view, 2016
William Lamson, A Line Describing the Sun, 2010, 2-channel video
Cathy Byrd, Director/Producer, Fresh Art International
Zanzara Island rendering, Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Julian Melchiorri, living facade, Venice, 2015
Palazzo Ca’Garzoni, site of Vita Vitale exhibition, Azerbaijan Pavilion, Venice, 2015
Venice, reflected, 2015
Ecologic Studio project, foreground, Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Idea Laboratory, detail, Venice, 2015
Studio Swine sea chair, Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Idea Laboratory, Venice, 2015
Rachel Armstrong
Ato Malinda, Circle Gallery Installation
Anri Sala, video still, New Museum
Anton Raphael Mengs, The Met Breuer
Kudzanai Chiurai, Goodman Gallery, Armory
Fabian Marcaccio, Bravin Lee, Spiring/Break
The Gallery, NYC installation, VOLTA
Mitch Patrick, Midnight Society, Spring/Break
Kerry James Marshal, The Met Breuer
Spring/Break Art Fair checkin at the Post Office
Karl Holmqvist, Gavin Brown’s Enterprises, Independent
Ibrahim Ahmed, Gallery Nosco, VOLTA
Ato Malinda, Circle Art Gallery, Armory
Elana Herzog, Studio10, VOLTA
Athi Patra Ruga, Miami Beach performance, 2016
Athi Patra Ruga, Miami Beach performance, 2016
Athi Patra Ruga, Miami Beach performance, 2016
John Grade, detail
Creative Mornings Miami
Malik Benjamin introduces Cathy Byrd
Edible garden at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Village
Green wall in the secret garden
Nasturtiums in the secret garden
Gateway to Vizcaya’s secret garden
Breakfast ritual: matcha, fresh fruit and granola
Cathy on her way to work
Cathy with her portable recording studio
Tiwani Contemporary, London
What If the World Gallery, Cape Town
Ed Young, SMAC Gallery
Kapwani Kiwanga, detail
Begüm Erginbay’s instagram post, Dec 2015
Begüm Erginbay
Elif Rümeysa Ünlü and Elif Avcı with Begüm Erginbay, Istanbul University
Smart Guide, Issue 1, 2015
Smart Guide, Issue 3, 2016
Smart Guide, Issue 2, 2015
Sanford Biggers, installation view
Sanford Biggers, installation view
Sanford Biggers, Martyr
Sanford Biggers, BAM (For Michael)
Sanford Biggers, Hat & Beard
Sanford Biggers, BAM (Sandra), 2016
Sanford Biggers, Belo, 2016
Franky Cruz, Pupate, 2016
Franky Cruz, Sistema installation detail, 2016
Franky Cruz, Pupation Transfer No. 1, 2016
Franky Cruz, Pupation Transfer No. 2, 2016
Franky Cruz, Pupate, 2016
Franky Cruz, Spinello Projects, 2013
Franky Cruz, Chrysalis
Franky Cruz
Abigail DeVille, Colored Grammar School No. 1 1874-1888
Abigail DeVille at the Peale Museum
Abigail DeVille at the Peale Museum
Abigail DeVille at the Peale Museum
Abigail DeVille at the Peale Museum
Abigail DeVille, installation view
Abigail DeVille, installation view
Abigail DeVille at the Peale Museum
Abigail DeVille, installation view
Abigail DeVille, Invisibility Blues
Peale Museum exterior
Ola Kolehmainen
Frédéric Nauczyciel, Red Shoes, Kendall Mugler
Frédéric Nauczyciel, Vogue ! Paris, Diva Ivy Labanji (Paris 14)
Frédéric Nauczyciel, Vogue ! Paris, Mona Khan (St Denis, La Courneuve)
Frédéric Nauczyciel, Vogue ! Paris, Honeysha Khan (Porte de Bagnolet),
Frédéric Nauczyciel, A Baroque Ball
Frédéric Nauczyciel, A Baroque Ball
Frédéric Nauczyciel, La Peau Vive
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Glexis Novoa, El vacío
Amy Sherald, Pilgrimage of the Cameleon, 2016, detail
Amy Sherald, Installation view
Amy Sherald, Installation view
Amy Sherald, Installation view
Amy Sherald, The Boy with the Fish, 2016, detail
Amy Sherald, Pupa, 2016, detail
Fresh Art International Live in Chicago
Cathy Byrd introducing Amy Sherald
For Freedoms exhibition poster, 2016
For Freedoms, Jack Shainman gallery
For Freedoms co-founders: Eric Gottesman and Hank Willis Thomas
Maria Alyokhina with Belarus Free Theatre in The Jungle refugee camp, France, 2015
Maria and Nadia awarded Hannah Arendt Prize, 2014
Christo drawing, The Floating Piers
Christo drawing, The Floating Piers
Christo drawing, The Floating Piers
Pilgrims en route to Sulzano
Lake Iseo, Italy
Arriving in Sulzano
Bird’s eye view of The Floating Piers
Christo, The Floating Piers
Christo, The Floating Piers
Christo, The Floating Piers
Christo, The Floating Piers
Pilgrim dipping toes in Lake Iseo at the edge of The Floating Piers
Christo, The Floating Piers
John Patrick Walsh III, Zenjail, 2016
Siebren Versteeg, small IS beautiful, 2016
Cara Despain, Sea Unseen, 2016
Alan Gutierrez, Untitled (scene), 2016
Amanda Sanfilippo, Fringe Projects Curator
David Brooks, 2015
Domingo Castillo, 2014
Emmett Moore, 2014
Justin H. Long, 2012
Nate Page, 2015
Misael Soto, 2012
Pontus Willfors, 2013
Anawana Haloba
Donna Kukama
Consolação Cemetery, São Paulo
Consolação Cemetery, São Paulo
Donna Kukama performance site, Consolação Cemetery
Donna Kukama peformance artifact
Donna Kukama performance artifact
Fresh Art International
Pia Lindman, Nose Eyes Ears
Pia Lindman, Nose Eyes Ears
Victoria Fu, IN/SITU
Nnenna Okore, EXPO Projects
C& Afro-Brazilian Perspectives
lunch at Restauro
lunch at Restauro
C&’s Yvette Mutumba with Cathy Byrd
Julia Grosse, C&
Jorge Menna Barreto, creator of Restauro
Vivian Caccuri
Cathy Byrd and Vivian Caccuri
Antonia Wright
Joyce Scott
Jolt Radio
Rachel Armstrong, witch bottle
Buster Simpson measuring sea level rise
Mick Lorusso in his lab
Mick Lorusso’s lab
Mick Lorusso’s microscope
outside Rauschenberg studio
Pat Oleszko, Perma Save signs
Rachel Armstrong, witch bottle
inside Rauschenberg studio
Rauschenberg’s chair faces the sea
measuring sea level rise
view of the Gulf of Mexico
Sarah Oppenheimer, S-281913
Sarah Oppenheimer, S-281913
Sarah Oppenheimer, S-281913
Sarah Oppenheimer, S-281913
Sarah Oppenheimer, S-281913
William Pope.L’s Baile
William Pope.L’s Baile
Cathy Byrd and William Pope.L
Alexis Gideon, The Comet and the Glacier
Alexis Gideon, The Comet and the Glacier
Alexis Gideon, The Comet and the Glacier
Alexis Gideon performs The Comet and the Glacier
The Comet and the Glacier installation view
The Comet and the Glacier installation view
Zoë Buckman, For Freedoms billboard
Christie van der Haak, Galerie Vivid, Design Miami/
Christie van der Haak, Silvia Barisione, Sharon Misdea, Cathy Byrd, Untitled, radio
Art Basel Miami Beach color fields
Daniel Lismore SCAD talk, Design Miami/
Danielle Damas and Evelyne Zapata, David Castillo Gallery, ABMB
Denise Kupferschmidt, Halsey McKay Gallery, NADA 2016
Fondation Beyeler, ABMB
Hrag Vartanian, Lady Bunny, Nicholas Baume, Stan Parish, ABMB Salon
Juan Gatti, Time Capsule, Faena
Jillian Mayer,
los carpinteros, Conga Irreversible, Tide by Side 2016
Marinella Sentarore and performers, Tide by Side processional performance
Michael Assif, Valentin, NADA
Monica McGivern on guitar, Collins Park
Nancy Davidson, Stacked, Lord Ludd, NADA
Noguchi Breton, Design Miami/
Pam Tanowitz performance, Faena Forum
Pulse Art Fair
Rirkrit Tirivanija and Tomas Vu_tshirt factory, Untitled 2016
Ross Normandin, Grit Gallery, Untitled
Sun Xun, Reconstruction of the Universe, Collins Park
Valerie Cassel Oliver, Howardena Pindell, Naomi Beckwith, ABMB Salon
Wong Ping, Edouard Malingue Gallery, ABMB
Yoon Lee, Oyster Fantasies, Faena
Zoë Buckman, Champ, Pulse
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
What This Place Does Not Remember, Vizcaya 2016
Catherine Morris, Sackler Center curator
Judy Chicago, The Dinner Party
Brooklyn Museum
Beverly Buchanan, Untitled photo
Alfred Steiglitz, Georgia O’Keeffe
A Year of Yes
Bahar Behbahani, Suspended, 2007, video still
Bahar Behbahani, Visiting you in summer, 2015, video still
Bahar Behbahani, Chronicle of the Garden
landscape jar
on the radio with Jorge Menna Barreto
lunch at Restauro
Jorge Menna Barreto
Hrag Vartanian, Hyperallergic
The Artist as Culture Producer
Amy Sherald opening
Amy Sherald, installation view
The Strand Book Store
Artist as Culture Producer contributors
Amy Sherald at Monique Meloche Gallery
Asad Raza, Root Sequence, Mother Tongue
Women’s March, 21 Jan 2017
Julio Le Parc, GRAV, une journée dans la rue, 1966
Nato Thompson, Culture As Weapon
Le Tarmac, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
RhythmAnalysis, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin
Patricia Cronin, Tack Room
Patricia Cronin, Tack Room, detail
Patricia Cronin with Eric Shriner, Armory Show 2017
Patricia Cronin, Tack Room, 2017
Patricia Cronin, Shrine for Girls, Venice
Patricia Cronin, Shrine for Girls, Venice
Patricia Cronin, Shrine for Girls, Venice
Patricia Cronin, Shrine for Girls, Venice
Carolee Schneemann, More Wrong Things, 2017
Carolee Schneemann, Cycladic Imprints, 1989
Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975
Carolee Schneeman, More Wrong Things
Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975
Hassan Khan, Composition for a Public Park
Christian Falsnaes, Future Art Prize
Andy Somby, SAMI Symposium
Galleri Soft
Performance art?
Monica Bonivinci, She lies
Monika Morerk introducing Grete Johanne Neseblod
National Museum of Contemporary Art
Opera House
SNAP exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art
Kåre Kivijärvi, Henie Kunstsenter
Carsten Höller, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
view of SALT
Contemporary Art Center
Tromsø Kunstforening
Ande Somby, Tromsø
Agnes Denes, Living Pyramid
Beau Dick, masks from Undersea Kingdom
Banu Cennetoğlu, Being Safe is Scary
Cecilia Vicuña performance, Neue Galerie
Ibrahim Mahama, Torwache and Henschel-Hallen, Kassel
Nairy Baghramian, The Iron Table (Homage to Jane Bowles)
Kendell Geers, Acropolis Redux (Director’s Cut)
Stephen Antonakos, Remembrance
Gauri Gill at Hessisches Landesmuseum
Naeem Mohaiemen, Two Meetings and a Funeral, film still
iQhiya, Monday, performance at KulturBahnhof
Maria Hassabi, Staging: Solo
Marta Minujín, The Parthenon of Books, in process
Alexa Lim Haas, Agua Viva
Alexa Lim Haas, Agua Viva
Alexa Lim Haas, Agua Viva
ORLAN, Exhbition in Galerie Michel Rein, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of pekin, Fa- cing Designs and Augmented Reality, 2014
ORLAN, Exhbition in Galerie Michel Rein, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of pekin, Fa- cing Designs and Augmented Reality, 2014
ORLAN, Exhbition in Galerie Michel Rein, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of pekin, Fa- cing Designs and Augmented Reality, 2014
ORLAN, Harlequin Coat, Casino Luxembourg, 2009
ORLAN, Harlequin Coat, Casino Luxembourg, 2009
ORLAN, Tangible Striptease in Nanonséquences, interactive autobiographical performance, 2016
nteractive autobiographical performance, 2016
nteractive autobiographical performance, 2016
ORLAN, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of
pekin, Facing Designs and Augmented Reality n.01
ORLAN, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of
pekin, Facing Designs and Augmented Reality n.08
ORLAN, Self-Hybridizations, Mask of Opera of
pekin, Facing Designs and Augmented Reality n.09
ORLAN, Expérimentale Mise en Jeu, Video game, 2015-2016
ORLAN, Expérimentale Mise en Jeu, Video game, 2015-2016
ORLAN, Expérimentale Mise en Jeu, Video game, 2015-2016
ORLAN skull scan for 3-D model
No Longer Available: Eddie Arroyo, 441 NW 20th Street Miami FL 33127, 2016, Acrylic on Paper, 13″ x 15″ $600
Monica McGivern, Dirty Laundry Part I, 2017, C-Print on metallic, 22″ x 22″ $550
No longer available: Monica McGivern, Dirty Laundry Part II, 2017, C-Print on metallic, 22″x22″ $550
Jenny Larsson, The Forest Diaries, 2015, Photo printed on canvas, 16″ x 20″ $290
Jenny Larsson, The Forest Diaries, 2015, Photo printed on canvas, 10″ x 14″ $250
Deming Harriman, Triangle Power, 2012, 16.75″ x 12.75″ $850
Deming Harriman, Red Kingdom, 2012, Collage, 18″x15” $850
Asser Saint-Val, Work in progress, 2017, mixed media on masonite, 13″x13″ $300
Asser Saint-Val, Rise of Black Water 2 2017, mixed media on masonite, 13″x13″ $300
Alette Simmons-Jimenez, Loop, 2014, Mixed media on cardboard, resin, collaged photo transfer, 12″ x 12″ $400
Alette Simmons-Jimenez, Leaf Leaf, 2011-17, Mixed media on cardboard, resin, collaged photo transfer, 15″ x12″ $450
Pulse Miami Beach
Glenn Kaino
Guerilla Girls at Fair.
Nathalie Alfonso laboring at Fair.
Fair. film stil, curator Micol Hebron
Jennifer Hirshfield, Pussy Killed Him, 2017, Aqua Art Miami
Gianna Dibartolomeo, Touched from Above, (grey + pink), CityArts Factory, Aqua Art Miami
Cabell Molina, Aqua Art Miami
Charles Gaines at ICA Miami
Nancy Davidson at Locust Projects
Tomm El-Saieh at Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami
COS + Studio Swine
Tanja Hollander, Are You Really My Friend? installation in progress, Botanical Garden
Postit in Tanja Hollander installation
Art Basel Miami Beach
Amy Sherald, Monique Meloche, UNTITLED
Carlos Cruz-Diez, SCAD Museum project at UNTITLED
RAW performance
Mariela Scafati, Isla Flotante, ABMB
Sara Cwynar, Foxy Production, BMB
Dara Friedman, Supportico Lopez, ABMB
Andrea Galvani, Revolver, ABMB
Andrea Bowers, Cabinett, Andrew Kreps ABMB
Alice Attie, Galerie Nachst St. Stephan
Jessica Stockholder at Kavi Gupta, ABMB
Carlos Cruz-Diez Chroma at UNTITLED
Samson Young at MANA Contemporary Wynwoodd
muller van severen, airbnb at Design Miami
Nuage at Design Miami
Cathy Byrd with Sterling Crispin, Totems, False Flag,
Films @ Fair., curator Micol Hebron
FreshArtINTL with Guerrilla Girls at Fair.
Hiba Schahbaz, PULSE Project
Jean Eve Klein, PULSE Project
Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Flowers Gallery, PULSE
Amy Sherald on UNTITLED Radio
MDC Live Arts with Tania El Khoury
Cathy Byrd experiences Tania El Khoury, As Far As My Fingertips Take Me
Marilyn Minter, Artadia, NADA
Cory Imig, SCAD at
Es Devlin, Room 2022, Edition Hotel, Miami Beach
Phillip K. Smith III, Faena Art, Miami Beach
FreshArtINTL on UNTITLED Radio 2017
Lars Jan, Slow Moving Luminaries
Lars Jan, Slow Moving Luminaries
Peter Tunney, The Sinking of the Taj Mahal
Diana Fonseca, Degradación, 2016, ART MIAMI
Willy Verginer, High Water, Liquid Art System, ART MIAMI
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Connect), 2015, Edition Rosenfeld Gallery, ART MIAMI
Omar Iman, Live, Love, Refugee, 2015, ART MIAMI
Sandro Miller, MIAMI ART
Paola Pivi, TBT, 2016, Vivian Horan Fine Art, Miami Art Fair
Niloufar Banisadr, Mes Voyages, My Travels, 2015, ART MIAMI
Cathy Byrd in conversation with Miss Pussycat at Prospect.4. New Orleans
Margarita Cabrera, Baby Grand Piano, 2005
Yoko Ono, Have You Seen The Horizon Lately?, 1967/2017
Darryl Montana with Cathy Byrd at Music Box Village
Quintron demonstrates his Weather Warlock
Visitors to the Well of Ancient Mysteries
Franky Cruz’s sketchbook
Cathy Byrd with Rusty Lazer, Music Box Village
Cathy Byrd with Sonia Boyce
Sonia Boyce, Still from Crop Over, video, 2007
Paulo Nazareth, Untitled,
Chief Darryl Montana, Freedom in Flight, Final Chief Suit, 2017
Peter Williams, Shedding My Whiteness, 2017
Barkley L. Hendricks, Triple Portrait: World Conqueror, 2011
Xaviera Simmons, Framework (Number One), 2017
Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans
Jennifer Odem, Rising Tables, 2017
First day in NOLA- Prospect.4.
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Reporters with Borders (Male-Female), 2007, A C-print light jet edition
Cathy Byrd with Miss Pussycat
Quintron’s experiment at P.4 Welcome Center
missing confederate monument, New Orleans
Jazz Heritage Museum, New Orleans
IKT visits Kunstnernes Hus
Cathy Byrd with Freek Lomme, Oslo
IKT visits Oslo Kunstforening
Tanja Thojussen and Thale Fastvold, Locus Publishing
IKT Bus Tour stop, Oslo
Daniel Slaattnes and Sara Ronnback
LOCUS, Spiritual in Art
Locus, Spiritual in Art
Onomatopee, We are the Market
Onomatopee, We Are the Market
Onomatopee, We are the Market
Edouard Duval-Carrié, artist curator
Jose Bedia, Visionary Aponte still
Marie Vickles, curator
Renee Stout, Visionary Aponte, Little Haiti Cultural Complex
Tosha Grantham, curator
Carl Juste, Guantanamo Bay detention camp
Edwige Danticat, author
Lissette Mendez, Miami Book Fair
Carl Juste, artist/photo journalist
Pablo Martinez Monsivais. Old Havana, 1999
R&R Studios, The Living Room, Miami Design District 2002
curator Dina Mitrani
curator Claire Breukel
R&R Studios, Besame Mucho, Coachella Festival, CA 2016
R&R Studios, Flowers and Flowers, Sunny Isles, FL 2017
Roberto Behar
Rosario Marquardt, R&R Studios
Robert Chambers, Rotorelief in Bal Harbour, FL 2018
Sunset on Key West
Green Parrot, Key West
Nguyen Smith, Martinique
Slace du Souvenir, Dakar
Puerto Rico after Maria
Sao Paulo Museu de Arte Moderne
Tilting Axis organizers
Tout-Monde Festiavl, Miami
Trinidad+Tobago Film Festival
biplane at sunset, Key West
Monica McGivern on the air
Sunrise on Stock Island
Key West woodworker’s hands
Justin Lubke, writer in residence
artist Dimitra Skandali, Studios of Key West
musician Dave Jordan from New Orleans, on the air at The Green Parrot
Dimitra Skandali portal to the sea, detail
intimate evening at The Studios of Key West
Jack Hackett, resident poet
Cathy Byrd with poet Jack Hackett at The Parrot
John Vagnoni at The Green Parrot
Key West laundromat chic
Key West wood crafter at The Green Parrot
roving local family, Key West
Woman’s Best Friend, Key West
Sunrise, Key West
Tory Mata’s inspiring finds, TSKW
beautiful blue moment, Key West
Cathy Byrd with writer Parini Shrof, TSKW
Mangroves and blue shallows edging the Overseas Highway
Cathy Byrd heading into the sunset
Jed Dodds, Studios of Key West
Key West Sunset Crowd, Mallory Square
Endangered Florida Caracas
Deborah Mitchell mixed media painting
Deborah Mitchell, Water Conservation area 3A
Deborah Mitchell journal detail
Books that inspire
Deborah Mitchell in her studio
Deborah Mitchell studio detail, 2018
Manolis D. Lemos, Dusk and Dawn Look Just the Same, New Museum Triennial 2018
Christian Portilla with Meet Them Mondays guests
A group of Taoist priests perform the rite of “breaking the hell gates” at a funeral home.
HONG KONG – OCTOBER 28: Umbrellas are opened as tens of thousands come to the main protest site one month after the Hong Kong police used tear gas to disperse protesters October 28, 2014 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. A peaceful safe atmosphere remains at the massive protest site as artists freely express themselves and families bring their children to experience the Umbrella Revolution. (Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)
Lung Wo Road during the umbrella movement, the location where Fiona recorded.
Photograph of a tram depicting the words “laughter filled up the ding-dings”.
Magdi Mostafa, Transmission Loss, Dak’Art 2018
Magdi Mostafa, Transmission Loss, Dak’Art 2018
Magdi Mostafa, Transmission Loss, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany 2016
Magdi Mostafa, Transmission Loss, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany 2016
Magdi Mostafa, Transmission Loss, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany 2016
Fictilis, Museum of Captialism, Oakland, CA 2017
Fictilis, Museum of Captialism, Oakland, CA 2017
Fictilis, Museum of Captialism, Oakland, CA 2017
Fictilis, Museum of Capitalism, Oakland CA 2017
Musée du Capitalisme, Brussels 2018
Musée du Capitalisme, Brussels 2018
Bank Job cash register 2018
Bank Job Call to Action, London 2018
Bank Job money making 2018
La Torre de David, Caracas 2014
Musée du Capitalisme, Brussels
Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, Athens, Greece 2018
Bank Job storefront
Ángela-Bonadies, La Torre de David, Caracas 2014
Occupy Museums action, Whitney Biennial 2017
Occupy Museums collective action, 2014
Occupy Museums collective action, 2014
Museum des Kapitalismus, Berlin 2018
Museum des Kapitalismus, Berlin 2018
Museum des Kapitalismus, Berlin 2018
Museum des Kapitalismus, Berlin 2018
Museum des Kapitalismus, Berlin 2018
IKT Miami delegates at the Rubell Collection, Miami. Pictured here: Natalia Viera, Marina Reyes Franco, Sofía Reeser del-Rio
Sala MAC, Honduras
O’Neil Lawrence, Michele Fiedler, Cathy Byrd, Marina Reyes Franco, IKT Miami 2019
LOCUS Collaborative risograph project “Kvinner,” Norway
LOCUS Bee Sanctuary Garden 2018, Norway
Sarah Bejerano. Untitled. From the series An insular journey. 2018, WOPHA
Maria Magdalena Campos. Elevata.2002, WOPHA
Spectres in Change, SJÄLÖ, Finland
Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas (Hacked!) 2000-2004
Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas (Hacked!) 2000-2004
Joiri Minaya, Siboney, 2014, Resisting Paradise, Puerto Rico, 2019
Spectres in Change, FoAM, Wonders of Lichen, Finland
Leasho Johnson installation, Resisting Paradise, Pública, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2019
Quilt performance at Beyond Fashion opening, National Gallery of Jamaica, 2018
Quilt performance at Beyond Fashion opening, National Gallery of Jamaica, 2018
Carlos Motta, 2013Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros, Façade Project, Mexico
Oliver Beer: Orchestral Vessel, Met Breuer, 2019
Juan Alejandro Landaverde_Built to Suit, Miami 2019
Terence Price II, Aunt Betty on 170th, 2018
T. Wheeler Castillo, Broadside Landscapes, Miami 2019
Nice’n Easy, Enhance Your Drive
Juan Alejandro Landaverde_Built to Suit, Miami 2019
David Brooks public art site, Blue Lagoon, Miami 2019
Michelle Lisa Polissaint, Hair Flip, Miami 2019
Trenton Doyle Hancock, The Moundverse comic book
Trenton Doyle Hancock, The Moundverse comic book
Trenton Doyle Hancock, The Moundverse comic book
Trenton Doyle Hancock, Mound #1 and The Color Crop Experience, 2019
Trenton Doyle Hancock, Mound #1, The Legend and the Exposed Nerve
Trenton Doyle Hancock Mind of the Mound: Critical Mass, MASS MoCA, 2019
Wayne State
Wayne State
Wayne State
william cordova and collaborators
william cordova installation, Dillard University, Prospect.3 New Orleans
william cordova installation, Dillard University, Prospect.3 New Orleans
silent parade still
silent parade still
silent parade still
silent parade poster
More Love
Drawing Together
Carbon Copy Gallery
Printed Zine Project, Louisville KY
Ellie Bruner, work in progress
Eat Your Hearts Out
De/Tension/Past: Landscapes of Incarceration, 21C Museum Hotel, Louisville KY 2019-2020
A Very Anxious Feeling: Voices of Unrest in the American Experience, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke VA 2020-2021
Hangama Amiri, Portrait of a Woman in White Salwar Kameez 2022
Sarah Burney publication
Encounter Exchange
Vilnius, Lithunia 2022
Vilnius, Lithuania 2022
Vilnius, Lithuania 2022