Creating Connections/Sparking Engagement, issue 4 of our Fresh Art International Research Guide, delves into the theme of social engagement.

American artist William Pope.L, on endurance in performance art. He tells the story of Baile, or Ball, the project he created for the 32nd São Paulo Biennial. Based on…

More views of the São Paulo Biennial and our live streaming Jolt Radio show. LIVE from 1-2pm EST, 6-8 September.

First views of São Paulo, where we’ve come to experience Viva Incerteza, the 32nd São Paulo Biennial exhibition. Join us for our live streaming Jolt Radio show, this week only, from 1-2pm EST, 6-8…

In case you missed our newsletter this week: Yes! We’re heading to South America to experience the São Paulo Biennial for the first time ever. Here’s…

In Austin, Texas, Cathy Byrd meets seminal video and performance artist Joan Jonas about how context affects each presentation of The Shape, The Scent, The…