In 2022, members and guests of the International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art make their way to Kentucky, in the United States. Our first days are packed with urban experiences — museum, gallery, private collection, and studio visits, a symposium — and sunset tours of two outdoor sculpture collections.
A small group continues the adventure on a road trip that takes us to the far eastern edge of Kentucky. As we cross the state, we learn firsthand the challenges of growing up and producing culture in Appalachia. We bear witness to creative resilience and community in remote spaces and places where rich stories are told through art, film, music, and theater.
Voices: Orlando Maiike Gouwenberg, Jessica Bennett Kincaid, Carolina Rubens, Jeff Chapman Crane, Sharman Crane, Kate Handslik
Sound Design: Anamnesis Audio
Music: Danver County by Blue Dot Sessions
Earl Gilmore – This Little Light of Mine, on “From the Depths of my Soul”, 1977, June Appal Recordings
Nimrod Workman & Phyllis Boyens – I am a Travelin’ Creature, on “Passing Through the Garden,” 1974, June Appal Recordings
Pigmeat Jarret – Look at the People (Little Girl), on “Look at the People,” 1979, June Appal Recordings
Ralph Stanley – I am a Man of Constant Sorrow
Sarah Kate Morgan – Goodbye My Honey I’m Gone, on “Old Tunes & Sad Songs,” 2022, self-released
Sparky Rucker – Come on in my Kitchen, on “Cold & Lonesome on a Train,” 1977, June Appal Recordings
Special Sound: Stranger with a Camera, Elizabeth Barrett, 2000, Appalshop; Shift Change, 2021, Higher Ground Theater
Related Episodes: Sounds of Berlin, Cultural Complexity in Miami’s Little Haiti, Key West: Creativity at the End of the Road, Mapping Caribbean Cultural Ecologies
Related Links: Association of International Curators of Contemporary Art, Great Meadow Foundation, Appalshop, June Appal Recordings, Higher Ground Theater, Valley of the Winds Gallery, Mine Portal 31