With local artists, curators, musicians and djs, we discover new art spaces and cafes, parks and pop-up cinemas in Berlin! This time, our home base is Neukölln. Easy to become a regular at Leuchtstoff Kaffeebar and picnic with locals on the lawn at Körnerpark. We stop by Katharina Maria Raab‘s space to admire altered books and a foot made of salt by artist Andrea Salvino. Catch the opening of There’s No Place Like Time, A Novel You Walk Through, at Momentum Worldwide, in Kunstquartier Bethanien. Stroll cross town past The Berliner Fernsehturm (TV tower) and the Neptune fountain to reach Studio R at Maxim Gorky Theater to crash a record release party with Paul Brody and Sadawi.
Sunday is the day to wander the fleamarket and take in all the style and music makers in Mauer Park. Pause to remember the Berlin Wall along Bernauerstrasse. Stop at Oye Record Store for a chat with owner Markus Lindner and a photo shoot with his dog Spencer. Acquire additions to travel garb in a thrift store at Haupstrasse 137. Breathe in beautiful evenings out-of-doors. Watch Gimme Danger, the great Jim Jarmusch film about Iggy Pop, at one of Berlin’s cool outdoor mobile kino venues. Join the hunt to find Klunker Kranich, a bar perched atop a parking garage where sunset views are epic.
High contrast ambience: Artist in residence Nina Hong‘s zen performance at SomoS and the intense crowd showing up to see the work of more than 60 artists for the opening of The Real Estate Show Extended/Berlin at KUNSTPUNKT BERLIN in Mitte.
Conversations about creativity: Studio visits with Satch Hoyt and Kate Hers Rhee, lunch with SAVVY Contemporary curator Elena Agudio and coffee with Ahmet Ogut. Sound art talk with Professor Nathalie Singer of Bauhaus Weimar University. After hours at the Natural History Museum with artist Klara Hobza and her Animaloculomat (animal ocular-image machine). In this photo gallery, watch for a bat’s eye view of a human.
- Körnerpark
- Leucht Stoff Kaffe Bar
- working remote, Berlin, 2017
- Andrea Salvino at Katharina Maria Raab
- on the way to Momentum
- Andi and Lance Olsen, Theories of Forgetting at Momentum
- TV tower
- Paul Brody at Studio R, Gorki Theater
- Deutschland Funk Kultur
- Mauer Park mode
- Oye Record Store with watchdog Spencer
- Mobile Kino screens Gimme Danger
- Satch Hoyt in his studio
- Satch Hoyt’s research in process
- Satch Hoyt, Slave (homage to Prince)
- SAVVY Funk team members
- home of SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin-Wedding
- Ahmet Ögüt with Cathy Byrd in Mitte
- Klara Hobza and her Animaloculomat
- Klara Hobza’s Animaloculomat, Natural History Museum
- beloved polar bear from the zoo enshrined, Natural History Museum
- Atelier Haus Mengerzeile where Kate Hers Rhee has her studio
- Kate Hers Rhee, work in studio
- Nina Hong performance at SomoS
- Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
- Adel Abidin, Kunstraum Kreuzberg
- Promo for new documentary about Joseph Beuys
Related sonic experience on Fresh Art International: Sounds of Berlin