Encounters with contemporary art in Norway during the 2017 International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art (IKT) Congress. The Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) and OSLO PILOT host and organize, together with art institutions in Northern Norway coordinated by the Polar Museum in Tromsø. We meet more than 100 curators from around the world as we explore and capture photos and field recordings in Oslo and Tromsø. Hear sounds of contemporary art in Norway on our Fresh Art International radio show.
- City Hall
- Oslo’s sailing culture in evidence
- view along the path to Oslo Pilot
- Cathy Byrd with Freek Lomme outside Kunstnerforbundet
- Kunstnerforbundet
- Harald Fenn, Mellom lys og skygge, Kunstnerforbundet
- Camille Norment, drawing detail, Oslo Kunstforening (OK)
- Artist Camille Norment, OK gallery
- detail, space below OK gallery
- National Museum of Contemporary Art
- Tori Wrånes, National Museum of Contemporary Art
- Tori Wrånes, video still
- Astrup Fearnley Museum
- Anselm Kiefer, The High Priestess
- Ivan Galuzin, Sick Skin
- Wall installation, Kunstnernes Hus
- park across from Kunstnernes Hus
- art student exhibition installation in process, Kunstnernes Hus
- Artist printmaking studio, detail, Kunstnernes Hus
- art student exhibition installation in process
- Kevin Malcolm at Podium
- Podium inner courtyard
- windowsill performance at Podium
- Wall inscription inside the Peacock, studio space for visual artists and musicians
- Martin Erik Andersen, Galleri Riis
- Eline Mugaas, Galleri Riis
- Monika Morerk introducing Grete Johanne Neseblod
- Galleri Soft
- Oslo is a work in progress
- Anselm Kiefer
- Opera House
- Monica Bonivinci, She lies