SPRING 2020University of Miami AMS350HISTORY AND CULTURE OF SOUTH FLORIDAMapping Miami’s Contemporary Culture WEDNESDAYS, 3:35pm-6:05pmMerrick 214FLecturer: Cathy ByrdEMAIL: cxb1184@miami.eduOffice hours by appointment Once Upon a…

Our experts guide to Miami Art Week 2019, prepares you for the intense burst of local and international art that will transfigure the cultural landscape.

Meet the creative hive that’s transforming the cultural landscape of Tampa, Florida. While the coastal city may still be best known to for its cigar-making history and vulnerability to rising sea levels, we discover an animated art scene. This is where new and established studios, public art projects, dynamic DIY galleries, avante-garde festivals, and networked community hubs are inventing fresh opportunities for public engagement with contemporary art.

University of Miami students Diana Borras and Kurt Gessler discover sacred land hiding in plain sight at the heart of Miami’s business district. Carib tribal queen Catherine Hummingbird Ramirez has come to meet them at the Native American site known as the Miami Circle, and she’s ready to share her concerns about encroaching urban development.

University of Miami student Luz Estrella Cruz makes her way to the Third Horizon Film Festival at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex in Miami. She’s there to meet filmmakers Diana Peralta (De Lo Mio, 2019) and Michael Lees (Uncivilized, 2020), whose work she’s been researching. Interviewing them and watching their films, Cruz discovers the passion behind their stories and immerses herself in two diasporic experiences from the Caribbean.

University of Miami students Gretchell Cano and Luz Estrella Cruz explore the work of Haitian-born artist Edouard Duval-Carrié. They, along with the rest of the Miami Moves Me team, visit Duval-Carrié’s studio in the Little Haiti district. Listen to find out why the artist chose to call Miami home, and hear his views on how the Caribbean influences the city’s art and culture.

In this prologue to our Fall 2020 Student Edition, University of Miami senior Melissa Huberman tells the story of Art in the Time of Corona—how the coronavirus pandemic has transformed our experience of art.