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What does it mean to make art collectively? How does art speak to our shared destiny? Where does sand intersect with art and community?
In the studio at Jolt Radio, with Miami-based curators and artists, we speak of art at the intersection of sand, smells and social behavior. Curator Quinn Harrelson and artist Troy Simmons introduce Collectivity, a site-specific exhibition at the Bakehouse Art Complex that explores the power of the individual and the collective. Curator Marie Vickles and artist curator Geovanna Gonzalez talk about the role of destiny and poetry in the exhibition Visions of the Future at Little Haiti Cultural Complex. Artist Misael Soto, the first-ever Art in Public Life resident for the City of Miami Beach, explains how he’s curating and activating Sand near the water’s edge in Collins Park.
Sound Editor: Anamnesis Audio | Special Sound: Domingo Castillo, Tropical Malaise, Martin Jackson, It’s really very easy, Misael Soto, Flood Relief
- Troy Simmons design for Berchemi, Collectivity exhibition
- Where Art Meets Sand and Social Behavior
- Troy Simmons sculpture
- Geovanna Gonzalez, HOW TO: Forget More of These Kinds of Things About You Every Day, detail
- Geovanna Gonzalez, HOW TO: Forget More of These Kinds of Things About You Every Day, detail
- Geovanna Gonzalez, Keep Down the Blinds and Fold, detail
- Misael Soto, SAND, in process
- Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen video still
- SAND, in action, Oct 28
Related Episodes: 2018 Creative Time Summit in Miami, Art and the Rising Sea, Cultural Complexity in Little Haiti, Where Art Meets Activism, Where Art Meets Cultural History
Related Links: Bakehouse Art Complex, Little Haiti Cultural Complex, Sand, ArtCenter/South Florida, The Bass Museum of Art, Creative Time
I like it. Thanks for the program. Sand is teaching me and helping me to explore Miami culture and meet a diversity of great people since i started to help on Misael’s project as a volunteer. It’s a very nice project
Thank you for listening and sharing, Maria. Misael Soto’s project is true community engagement.
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